
Tower Talk

Navigating Markets Podcast

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2023 Year in Review

Happy New Year Tower Talk listeners! Markets ended 2023 on a strong note (the Santa Claus Rally came through!) and we look back at some highlights, including how many were calling for a recession in 2023. We also go through how the Tower portfolios performed, and show why one strong year in the [...]

Finishing Strong

It's hard to believe but 2023 is coming to an end. We hope that you're spending your holiday season with family and friends, but we also want to make sure you take care of your finances as well! Year-end means tax planning, managing registered account contributions (RRSPs, TFSAs, etc.) and [...]

Defining Risk

What does the word "Risk" mean? We use it constantly in life to describe a number of different things and its meaning can be deeply personal. What one person sees as risky, another person may see as exactly the opposite. The word Risk is used often in Investment Management and we wanted to [...]

Q3 2023 – Quarter in Review

Q3 is behind us and with the leaves falling and the air getting crisp we are in the final quarter of 2023! Markets were down this quarter which is a reversal of much of the positive momentum we saw in the first half of the year. This dip is in response to many factors, including this new [...]

Timing the Market

Timing the Market. Is it possible? The short answer is no, but the longer and more interesting answer is, it depends and is it really even worth it? This month we look at what it means to try to time the market. We compare the perfect investor, who picked the best day to invest for 20 years, to [...]

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